The Amazon rainforest, full of incredible species diversity and breathtaking beauty, is facing a dangerous threat.
Carbon 101: IPCC Boiled Down
Climate scientists and policy makers frequently reference CO2 ppm and 2°C when they talk about climate change. What does it mean?! And now the IPCC report that we’ve been hearing about is upping the ante on what we need to do to curb carbon emissions. We put together this quick primer on emissions in case you need a refresher. Check it out!
Who Run The World?
What’s next for miners?
Green Energy in Red States
Breaking It Down: Deconstruction
Net-Metering in a Nutshell
We are excited to be building out the technology section of our website and recently added a page on solar energy. Here we’ll dive a little deeper into a key issue in the solar equation: net-metering. What is it and how does it affect the solar market?