Fast fashion offers trendy clothes at affordable prices—right? Those low prices hide a more sinister cost: the environment. Cheaply produced with synthetic dyes and fabrics that deteriorate quickly, most fast fashion ends up in a landfill within a few years. This has created a cycle of pollution that is contaminating our air, land, and waterways. Read on to learn more about the issue and solutions to break this cycle in your own closet.
The Puerto Rican Case for Environmental Justice
Environmental justice (EJ) is a buzzy phrase these days, and for good reason. Across the country and around the world, efforts to address environmental injustices are on the rise. However, to most effectively address these issues, we must expand our definition of EJ and our understanding of who is most impacted. Through a case study on Puerto Rico, this blog demonstrates how colonization and a lack of self-determination take away the possibility of truly achieving EJ.
Announcing Climable's Curriculum!
Grid Congestion: A Billion Dollar Problem
The electrical grid that sends power to homes, businesses, and industrial sites is old. As a result, there are times when the grid is unable to meet our energy demand because of limitations in transmission or distribution infrastructure. This is a phenomenon known as grid congestion, and it’s going to become a major problem as we electrify everything if the grid isn’t upgraded soon.
Climable's Guide to Sustainable Shopping
The holiday shopping season is upon us, which means it’s a perfect moment to reflect on the environmental repercussions of our shopping and gift-giving decisions. To help you navigate the Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas sales sustainably, Climable has put together this list. It’s not exhaustive, but it’s a great start!
Rare? No. Green? Sort of: A Primer on Rare Earth Minerals
Ancient AC
Climapalooza – Back and Better than Ever!
Air Conditioning: Termites - Nature’s Architects
Our AC (air conditioning) exploration continues! But what a dilemma it is! As the planet gets warmer, we need more AC to stay cool, but using it warms the planet! What can we do?! Fortunately, this beautiful blue marble has already given us plenty of examples of what can be done. Termites have built a compelling case for passive cooling. How? Read our mounds of evidence (pun intended) to find out!